Note To Teachers & Parents

Dear Teachers & Parents,

This blog is intended to be a great resource for piano teachers and parents of piano students.  I seek to add new music all the time.  Please feel free to browse, look through the reviews, and watch the videos.

I know how great it can be to have a motivating piece for your student to practice.  I also know that many students want a great piece for a recital, performance, or competition.  I hope you find this collection of music helpful.

There is lots of fun music out there, and certainly many types of pieces on many levels.  I hope I have highlighted some pieces that appeal to everyone.

Parents, I know that it can be really frustrating to purchase a book and find out later that you either can't use it for a long time or even not at all. Because of this, please talk to your teacher about pieces or books before buying them. I can only give a general, practical evaluation of these books; however, your teacher can read this and use the information here to give a specific recommendation for your student.

If you found this to be helpful resource, please share it with others.

Thank you!

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